Parish Ministries


Liturgy Committee


This committee reviews current policies and practices pertaining to the celebration of the Eucharist. Composed of the Pastor and representatives of the various liturgy ministries, the committee’s goal is to assure that the experience of mass at St. Robert’s inspires, instructs and draws parishioners into unity with God.

Liturgy Coordinator Deacon Michael Brainerd
Altar Servers Sr. Colette Moon at 929-379-7652 or
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Ann Marie Basso at 917-582-2680 or
Lectors Diane Fugali at 718-229-6465 or 917-748-4534.
Ushers Ginger
Music Ministry Jillian Vicinanza 718-490-3651 or Folk Band Michael Palmero 917-282-9725


Padre Pio Prayer Group


First Saturday devotions for the past five months was a success; therefore we have decided to continue this beautiful devotion every first Saturday of the month after the 9:00am Mass in the church. For more information, call Neva Simas at 718-631-5395.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul


As part of an international charitable organization, this ministry at St. Robert’s is engaged in year round efforts to help the needy in our community. Collected funds and donated food and toys are given directly to the poor or channeled through local, larger scale service organizations. Serving in justice and charity, members express the spirit of Christ in their action-oriented programs. In case of need, please call the Rectory.

Bereavement and Consolation Ministries


These ministries reach out to people who are suffering because of an illness or because of the loss of a loved one. Members of this group visit funeral homes to console family members, assist with the arrangements for a funeral mass, and attend to on-going contacts to share God’s healing love and the compassion of our faith community.

For more information, please contact
Diane Fugalli at 718-229-6465 or 917-748-4534

For more information on the Bereavement Ministry,
please contact Dorothy Hickey at 347-251-9688.


Mature Adult Parishioners (MAPS)


These senior members of the parish meet several times a year to share parish information about topical issues, to plan for cultural events and trips and to enjoy the camaraderie of the group. Meetings are usually held on Tuesday afternoons in the Convent.

Please contact Ed Fitzpatrick @ for information on the next meeting date.




Youth Group

The SRB Youth Group accompanies 9th-12th graders as they develop a mature, personal faith in Jesus Christ and His Church through lifelong learning, social events, service projects, prayer, faith sharing and discussing today’s issues.

For updates, follow us on Instagram @srbyouthgroup !

For more information, contact our Youth Minister,
JP Muldoon